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Now that technology has become such an integrated part of our students' learning, it was particularly interesting to see the calibre of apps and devices that can be available to implicate in the music classroom during our lecture today.

DM1 is an app which allows you to create your own beats, so essentially a drum machine all in the touch of your device! What stands out, is its ability to save multiple beats to then be used to your preference - so you'd be able to structure various beats into a particular order. Check out the video below to see what this app does and some other cool features here!

I'd have to agree that my thoughts on BYOD in schools have changed, particularly during my experience on my practicum, but definitely in the most positive way. We are living in a society where we are constantly surrounded by technology and media, and these devices can become such a distraction towards students' learning if not managed well. We also need to keep in mind that it is not a replacement for learning either, but more so an extended educational tool. Of course, not every student may have their own devices but schools and teachers are continusouly working together to provide inclusivity in the classroom despite our students' backgrounds and learning needs.

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